webPOISONCONTROL Data Analysis Dashboard

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Table of Contents

When no filters are applied, the charts show all public, completed, non-duplicated poison exposures from 2016 through 10-03-2024 reported to webPOISONCONTROL

Age and Sex

Age by Sex

Shows count or percentage of cases by age group by sex for completed, nonduplicated webPOISONCONTROL cases. Ages are grouped as <6, 6-12, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and 70-79 years. webPOISONCONTROL does not provide triage recommendations for infants younger than 6 months or seniors over 79 years due to the unique characteristics of poisonings in these more vulnerable age groups.

Click to apply filters to the age and sex distribution, by substance category (generic code or category), route, triage recommendation, outcome, month/year, etc.

Age Distribution

Shows count or percentage of cases by age for completed, nonduplicated webPOISONCONTROL cases. Ages are grouped as <1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-12, 13-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and 70-79 years. webPOISONCONTROL does not provide triage recommendations for infants younger than 6 months or seniors over 79 years due to the unique characteristics of poisonings in these more vulnerable age groups.

Click to apply filters to the age distribution, by substance category (generic code or category), route, triage recommendation, outcome, month/year, sex, etc.


Map of Case Rates by State

Click to determine the case rate by state (cases/100,000 population) for completed, nonduplicated webPOISONCONTROL cases.

Apply filters to view the case rate by state for selected age groups, sex, outcomes, routes, month/year, generic substance codes or categories, triage recommendation or double dose cases.


US vs International

Click to determine the international versus U.S. case distribution for completed, nonduplicated webPOISONCONTROL cases.

Apply filters to view that distribution for selected age groups, sex, outcomes, routes, month/year, generic substance codes or categories, triage recommendation or double dose cases.


Routes Distribution

Click to display a pie chart and a table showing routes and route combinations implicated in poison exposure cases.

Apply filters to analyze a subset of the data, such as by year, age, or generic substance category.


Generic Substance Categories by Age

Click to see 8 bar charts showing age distribution by generic substance category.

  • Age by category, nonpharmaceuticals (%)
  • Age by category, pharmaceuticals (%)
  • Age distribution, all nonpharmaceuticals compared to all pharmaceuticals (count or %)
  • Age by category, nonpharmaceuticals, pediatric focus (%)
  • Age by category, pharmaceuticals, pediatric focus (%)
  • Age distribution, all nonpharmaceuticals compared to all pharmaceuticals, pediatric focus (count or %)
Apply filters to display selected data, such as year, outcome, route, etc.

Generic Substance Categories by Final Triage

Click to see 6 bar charts showing final triage by generic substance category.

  • Final triage by category, nonpharmaceuticals (count or %)
  • Final triage by category, pharmaceuticals (count or %)
  • Final triage, all nonpharmaceuticals compared to all pharmaceuticals (count or %)

Apply filters to display selected data, such as year, age, outcome, route, etc.

Generic Substance Categories by Route

Click to see 2 bar charts showing generic substance categories by exposure route.

  • Route by category, nonpharmaceuticals (%)
  • Route by category, pharmaceuticals (%)
Apply filters to display selected data, such as year, age, sex, outcome, etc.

Generic Substance Categories for Double-Dose Errors

Click to see 2 bar charts showing double-dose therapeutic errors by pharmaceutical category.

  • Double dose by pharmaceutical category (count or %)
Apply filters to display selected data, such as year, age, sex, triage recommendation, outcome, etc.

Generic Substances and Categories by Symptoms, Triage, Outcome, Age or Double Dose

Click to see 5 hierarchical tables, showing Substance Categories (“Generic Categories”), Subcategories, and Generic Substances (“Generic codes”). Tables present data analyzed by:

  • Initial symptoms
  • Final triage
  • Final outcome
  • Age distribution
  • Double dose
Apply filters to display selected data, such as year, age, sex, triage recommendation, outcome, etc.

Hazard Assessment for Generic Substances

Click to see a table showing the top 100 generic substances sorted by highest % of moderate, major and fatal outcomes.

Sort by total counts or outcome columns to better understand the results. Note that high rates of severe outcomes are less meaningful when case counts are very low.

Apply filters to display selected data, such as year, age, sex, pharmaceuticals versus nonpharmaceuticals, etc.

Top 10 and Top 10 for Kids (<6 years)

Click to see 2 bar charts.

  • The top 10. Shows the 10 most frequent generic substance categories, with the age distribution for cases in these categories.
  • The top 10 in Kids. Shows the 10 most frequent generic substance categories in children younger than 6 years.
Apply filters to display selected data such as year, sex, route, etc.


Initial Symptom Distribution

Click to display a pie chart showing initial symptom distribution for poison exposure cases.

Apply filters to analyze data by year, age, generic substance category, route, etc.


Symptoms Specified on Follow-up

Click to show a table of specific clinical effects reported on follow-up.

Apply filters to analyze data by year, age, generic substance category, route, etc.


Average Cases/Day by Month

Shows average daily count for completed, nonduplicated webPOISONCONTROL cases, by month, for trending.

Click to apply filters to show trend by substance category (generic code or category), age, route, triage recommendation, outcome, etc.

Case count by year

webPOISONCONTROL completed public cases are shown, by year, and updated daily. Duplicate cases are excluded.

Cases by Day

Shows daily case count for completed, nonduplicated webPOISONCONTROL cases, for trending.

Apply filters to show daily trends by substance category (generic code or category), age, route, triage recommendation, outcome, month/year, etc.



Key facts and performance indicators for completed, nonduplicated webPOISONCONTROL cases.

Apply filters to get quick facts about subsets of data. 

Triage Follow-up and Outcomes

Final Outcome by Age

Click to display a hierarchical table of age by outcome.

Apply filters to display selected data, such as year, sex, generic substance category, route, etc.

Final Triage Recommendation by Age

Click to display 2 bar charts showing final triage recommendation by age (counts) and by percent of age group.

Apply filters to display selected data, such as year, sex, generic substance category, route, double dosing, etc.

Initial and Final Triage Recommendation

Click to see a bar graph showing the difference between the initial and the final triage recommendation for cases triaged to stay home, call Poison Control, or go the ER.

Apply filters to display selected data, such as year, age, sex, initial triage recommendation, outcome, generic substance category, etc.

Initial Home Triage Cases Follow-up

Click to show the number of follow-ups completed for each home-triaged case.

Apply filters to display selected data, such as year, age, sex, generic substance category, route, double dose cases, etc.

Initial Home Triage Cases: What was Done?

Click to display a table analyzing what was actually done by home-triaged cases. Did they stay home, call Poison Control, go to an ER, call a doctor, or get admitted to a hospital?

Apply filters to analyze a subset of the data, such as by year, age, generic substance category or route.